Multiple Recurring C. Diff. on the Rise

John Commins, is a senior editor at HealthLeaders  Media. July 5, 2017 Researchers say the findings point to an increased burden on the healthcare system, including more demand for new treatments for recurrent CDI. The most promising of these new treatments [...]

2017-07-05T15:32:00-05:00July 5th, 2017|Health News|

Medicaid Expansion States See Uptick in ER Visits

Broader health coverage under the ACA was supposed to reduce them by John Commins, HealthLeaders Media June 25, 2017 States that expanded Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act saw 2.5 emergency department visits more per 1,000 people after 2014, while [...]

2017-06-29T14:06:38-05:00June 29th, 2017|Health News|

Two Very Important Stories about Ticks

Tick-borne diseases on the rise By Dr. Manny Alvarez Published June 21, 2017 - Fox News Ticks and tick-borne illnesses are found all over the U.S., and you can use these maps provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [...]

2017-06-29T14:04:12-05:00June 29th, 2017|Health News|
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