The One Universal Truth About Medicine

Communication is key, says Suneel Dhand by Suneel Dhand, MD July 18, 2017 There are many different theories out there about the direction that healthcare should go and what we need to be doing in the future. Passions run high, and [...]

2017-07-20T16:22:53-05:00July 20th, 2017|Health News|

Behavioral Changes Effective for Most T2D Patients

But some patients in LOOK Ahead fared worse with intervention by Kristen Monaco, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today July 17, 2017 Action Points • Among a majority of patients with type 2 diabetes, intensive weight loss intervention reduced the risk of adverse cardiovascular [...]

2017-07-19T15:35:44-05:00July 19th, 2017|Health News|

Non-Invasive Ventilation Reduces Death from COPD Breathing Failure

Also reduces need for intubation, Cochrane reviewers find by Salynn Boyles, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today July 17, 2017 Action Points • Non-invasive ventilation is an effective treatment strategy for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients hospitalized for acute exacerbation and hypercapnic respiratory failure. [...]

2017-07-19T15:32:30-05:00July 19th, 2017|Health News|

Zero Hospital-Acquired Infections? Believe It.

Philip Betbeze, July 13, 2017 Philip Betbeze is the senior leadership editor at HealthLeaders Media. Convincing clinicians that getting to zero infections is possible, says one CQO. It requires a culture change, adherence to evidence-based practice, and leadership. Danielle Scheurer, MD, [...]

2017-07-19T15:24:30-05:00July 19th, 2017|Health News|

Heartburn Drugs May Increase Risk of Early Death

By NICHOLAS BAKALAR  JULY 5, 2017  NYTIMES-Well Section Proton pump inhibitors, or P.P.I.s, the widely used heartburn medicines, may increase the risk of early death, a new study reports. P.P.I.s, sold over the counter under such brand names as Nexium and [...]

2017-07-12T14:45:49-05:00July 12th, 2017|Health News|
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