Prepare for a Rocky Flu Season

Signs from Australia suggest a tough version of the influenza virus could hit the Northern Hemisphere this winter By Sumathi Reddy - The Wall Street Journal - Oct. 2, 2017 It’s been an ugly flu season in Australia. That’s why some [...]

2017-10-03T13:47:56-05:00October 3rd, 2017|Health News|

Breakfast-Eaters Have Less Atherosclerosis

Skimpy, skipped breakfasts associated with plaque in Spanish study by Nicole Lou, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today October 02, 2017 Action Points • Skipping breakfast was associated with atherosclerotic buildup in a Spanish study, with light breakfasts also tied to subclinical plaque formation. [...]

2017-10-03T13:45:29-05:00October 3rd, 2017|Health News|

How 3-D Printing Is Changing Health Care

Recent advances have made the technology more useful for planning surgery and creating drugs By Aili McConnon – Wall Street Journal - Updated Sept. 12, 2017 A year ago, an 11-year-old girl named London Secor had surgery at the Mayo Clinic [...]

2017-10-03T13:42:49-05:00October 3rd, 2017|Health News|

iMedicalApps: Which Pregnancy Apps to Recommend?

Latest app has kick-counter, contraction timer built-in by Douglas Maurer DO, MPH, FAAFP September 29, 2017 The app store is bursting with apps for pregnant patients. Which ones should we recommend? For years, the Department of Defense/Veterans Affairs Pregnancy Guide – [...]

2017-10-03T13:39:34-05:00October 3rd, 2017|Health News, IT|

First No-Fingerstick CGM OK’d by FDA

Approved for use in adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes by Kristen Monaco, Staff Writer, MedPage Today September 28, 2017 WASHINGTON -- Abbott's FreeStyle Libre Flash Glucose Monitoring System -- the first system that doesn't require fingerstick calibration -- [...]

2017-10-03T13:37:23-05:00October 3rd, 2017|Health News|

DNR Orders Skew HF Mortality as Quality Metric

Adjusting for it 'would be a step in the right direction' by Nicole Lou, Reporter, MedPage Today/ September 25, 2017 Current ways to risk-adjust heart failure mortality as a measure of hospital-level quality are insufficient, suggested a study showing that accounting [...]

2017-09-27T11:35:56-05:00September 27th, 2017|Health News|

FDA Shuts Down Online Pharmacies

Seized 100 web domains as part of international effort against counterfeit meds by Kristina Fiore, Deputy Managing Editor, MedPage Today September 25, 2017 The FDA seized the website domains of nearly 100 online pharmacies -- including and -- and [...]

2017-09-27T11:33:19-05:00September 27th, 2017|Health News|

FDA Warns on Proper Dosing for Liver Drug

19 deaths with obeticholic acid, many in patients receiving more than recommended dose by John Gever, Managing Editor, MedPage Today September 21, 2017 WASHINGTON -- In the 13 months after obeticholic acid (Ocaliva) was approved in May 2016, 19 patient deaths [...]

2017-09-27T11:31:30-05:00September 27th, 2017|Health News|
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